Statutory Information
In this section we include information and data related to pupils and the school.
To view our page on 'School's Financial Benchmarking', click here.
At our most recent OFSTED in August 2024, we were graded 'good'.
To view previous reports click here.
To feedback information about our School to Ofsted, use the link below:
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Every five years, all church schools are inspected to evaluate the Christian character of the school. Our most recent inspection was in February 2020 and we were graded as 'good'.
Pupil Results
Link to our school's performance tables webpage
Pupil Premium and Sports Premium
- 1 PP strategy statement 2023-24
- 2 PP strategy statement 2022-23
- 3 PP strategy statement 2021-22
- 4 PP strategy document 2020-21
- 5 2022-23 Sports premium
- 6 2021-22 Sports premium