Maths at Home
All children should have now received a login for My Maths
Problem of the day
Odd x even | |
Odd one out | |
Sandcastles | |
Why don't you try making a puzzle for others to solve and post it on our Facebook group, or email it in and it can go on the website. |
Code Cracker of the day
1. Here's a nice simple one to get you started...
FFoorrtthhiissccooddeeoonnllyyrreeaaddeeaacchhlleetteerroonnccee. |
3. The Backward Alphabet Code
Bvhgviwzb'h zmhdvi...Hovvkb, Hmvvab, Wlx, Tifnkb, Yzhsufo, Szkkb, zmw Wlkvb |
4. Backwards Alphabet again... Slkv blf ziv dvoo. Kovzh ovg nv pmld ru blf mvvw zmbgsrmt. |
5. Shift 1 Code Now read this... Ipx nvdi xppe xpvme b xppedivdl divdl, jg b xppedivdl dpvme divdl xppe? |
6. Shift 1 code again... Xf ipqf fwfszcpez ibt b tbgf boe ifbmuiz Fbtufs. |
7. Shift code again...but not 1. uwrgtecnkhtciknkuvkegzrkcnkfqekqwu |
8. Shift code...but how many times? Lsa uymgopc hmh csy wspzi mx? |