Sapperton Church Of England Primary School

Wrap-around provision

Breakfast club

Breakfast club is held from 8.00-8.40am Monday to Friday (latest arrival at 8:30am) and costs £3 to include breakfast. Please book in advance through your Parentpay account or on the app.


After-school clubs

After-school club runs daily from 3.30-5.30pm and costs £3 per half an hour session. It is run by Miss Whitwell. Snacks are provided and children can use the adventure playground, play sport, read or take part in craft activities.

As we have a limited number of places, please book in advance through your Parentpay account online or on the app. 


Extra-curricular activities

Our after-school activity clubs run from 3.30pm - 4.30pm and are scheduled in each term. Activity clubs run in blocks and as such, we can only accept bookings for the full block, not for individual sessions. Places are limited and children are expected to commit to attending every session in a block. Activity clubs are booked through Parentpay. 

  • Sportily Multi-skills
  • Raffles Forest School 
  • Atlas Sports 
  • Construction club with Mrs Crampton
  • Board games club with Mr Price