Church Links
The links the school share with the local churches in the Thameshead Benefice are very important. We are part of the parish of Sapperton with Frampton Mansell. St. Luke Frampton Mansell is now the parish church after St. Kenelm Sapperton was passed into the care of the Churches Conservation Trust in 2016. As a Church-aided school our Governing Body is made up with a majority of 'Foundation Governors' each of whom is linked to the church and recommended by the Parochial Church Council of Sapperton with Frampton Mansell.
As a school we work together with the local churches. Reverend Trevor Kemp and members of the church community are regular visitors to the school and we hold many combined church and school events. Pupils at Sapperton also enjoy residential summer camps organised by PSALMS.
Reverend Pepita Walker is the School Chaplain and has been very closely involved with the school for over 20 years and has been an important member of the Governing Body throughout that time. She leads a Communion service each half-term for the staff and pupils, as well as organising a Worship team who visit each Monday.
The Church Youth Minister (in our partnership with Sportily) leads worship on a regular basis and also runs after school clubs. It has been exciting in recent years to see the Pulse Games take place at the school run by the Youth Minister and supported by other members of our local churches.
If you would like to find out more about our local churches, please visit the Thameshead Benefice or the Diocesan website below:
Church-links (ID 1016)
Church Links 2023-24
Church Links 2023-24
Church Links 2022-23
Church Links 2022-23
Church Links 2021-22
Church Links 2021-22