Sapperton Church Of England Primary School


At Sapperton Church of England Primary School, we have 7 year groups in 3 classes from Reception through to Year 6. We currently have spaces in some year groups.

Maple - Reception, Year 1 & 2

Rowan - Year 3 & 4 

Elder - Year 5 & 6

The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for each year group is 12 which means that we can only accept up to 12 children in each year group. However, should a place be refused due to full-capacity, you can appeal using the Gloucestershire County Council appeals process - see below. 

If you are interested in securing a place at Sapperton, please email to arrange an appointment to look around -, or call on 01285 760325 

Applications for Reception

Places for children due to start school in September 2024 must be made through Gloucestershire County Council. Parents will receive letters from GCC in November 2023 and the online application process is open between 3rd November and 15th January. All applications must be submitted by Friday 15th January 2024. We would advise you to begin your application in advance as you can change your choices at any point up until this date. 

The Gloucestershire County Council allocation day for 2024 Reception starters is Tuesday 16th April 2024. On this day you will receive details of your allocated school which needs to be accepted by Tuesday 23rd April 2024.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.

Applications for all other starters

To apply for a place in any other year group, please complete the GCC application form - download here or pick up from the school office. 

If your application for a place is refused and you wish to appeal, please download and complete the appeal form below, or pick one up from the school office.